Hey folks,
Hope everyone had a great start to the year. Over the last couple of months, the Betafi product team has been working hard to give our user interview interface a facelift. With the new UI and a host of new features, you can effortlessly connect with your customers to gather more insights.
Now you can take more structured notes inline with every predefined question from your interview script - so it’s much easier for you to analyze them post-session.
Waiting room before joining the call
Both moderator and participants can adjust their audio/video settings before joining the call. Participants will also be prompted to download the app/chrome extension for usability sessions
Separate moderator and observer links. We acted on your valuable feedback that the moderator and observer having the same link made it confusing as to who can kick-start the live session (thanks Dharani, Divya and Hui Lee for that feedback).
If you have thoughts on these features and would love to share feedback, book some time here.