What's New

June 14, 2022

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Introducing Video clips and Exports in Betafi

Hey folks,

We know synthesizing is hard and time-consuming. That’s why we have rolled out some exciting new features that will surely make you enjoy the process of identifying insights.

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Share ‘Aha’ moments with a short video clip

It is hard to watch the full session recording to quickly understand key insights. That’s why now you can clip the session recording into shorter, digestible video bytes to share the ‘Aha’ moments with your team.

With one click, you can either download the clip or create a shareable link. You can also embed the clip in your research report (in Notion) to share insights in the voice of the customer.

Export your notes to identify patterns using your favorite tools

During synthesis, it takes a lot of time to combine all your notes into your favorite tools to identify key themes. So, now you can “Export” all insights captured as notes in Betafi into Miro or in CSV format. Learn how it works

We want to make the process of synthesis quick, simple and joyful for you. Try out these new features and share your experience and feedback. We are eagerly waiting to hear back from you at hello@betafi.co.

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