Install the Betafi Zoom App with One Click

Already a Betafi user? What are you waiting for?

⬆️ Click the button ⬆️ to link your Zoom Account to Betafi and install the Betafi Zoom App.

Next time you open Zoom on your desktop, you should see Betafi appear in your Apps list in Zoom during a meeting!



Take timestamped notes that link back to the recording.

Use #tags and @mentions to organize and share relevant parts with colleagues.


Doing the interview solo? No time to jot down a detailed note in the moment?

No sweat, use the Moment button to bookmark that instant to refer back to later.
Use the

Interview Script

Don't forget the topics you meant to cover! Be prepared with Interview Script Questions!

Stay consistent with your team and keep organized across dozens of user interviews.

Take notes under questions during the live session, save hassle when synthesizing your findings.

In Realtime

Invite your colleagues to the Betafi Zoom App, and they can join you with note-taking.

Make sure you have added them to your workspace on Betafi before the call!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Betafi is made using Betafi.